McClusky Gazette News

April 22, 2020

Cruising main

An idea came first to Josh Baker, picked up quickly by friends.

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Holen’s Super Valu sale items return

Paper, we got paper, we got stacks and stacks of paper . . . Ta dum, ta dum, ta dum, Dear Supplier, Would you be so kind, to fill a request, and send the strawberries we like best?

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Parade of birthday wishes

“How do you celebrate a very special 18th birthday when we have to social distance?”

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It wasn’t business as usual, but, as usual, interesting business.

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Memorial Home
April 8, 2020

Memorial Home

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One building, three locations, and four lots leveled ended in a permanent home for a large Quonset building originally first purchased by George Tkach, then by Gary Nigrin. The building is still on the Burleigh County land, occupied by Gary’s widow, Myrna.

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WRT investing in employees and members

WRT has been proudly serving cooperative members since 1952 and greeting members based out of the current Hazen headquarters office since 1958.

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Goodrich Rural Fire Protection District, reports that the vehicles advertised for sale include an ambulance/van, purchased new as a combined effort of the fire district and the Goodrich ambulance squad.

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Courthouse access restricted

Restrictions for public and employee access to offices in the Sheridan County Courthouse for the COVID-19 pandemic procedures, discussion and action by the commissioners, with guidance from State’s Attorney Ladd Erickson, were set at a special meeting held March 19 at 1:30.

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Savannah Rhoads graduated in the class of 2019 from McClusky High School and was accepted at Bismarck State College. She plans to transfer to a university to get a vet-tech degree.

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