Leader-News - News

January 13, 2011

Under water again?

Could it be another year of flooding in McLean County?

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January 6, 2011

For the love of bluegrass

It’s been 10 years since the local band Cotton Wood decided to get together.

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Pay hikes for teachers grew in the single digits over the past years.

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A one-vehicle rollover Monday morning south of mile marker 118 between Washburn and Wilton led to a 36-year-old woman being injured when her door came open.

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The Safe Routes to Schools and multi-use trail project in Washburn was awarded to RMD Holdings of Michigan.

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Like a row of soldiers marching to the aid of others, the kindergarten class from Washburn Elementary trudged through the snow to Farmers Security Bank on Thursday with a large jar filled with money.

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With recent work done at Enerbase, the North Dakota Department of Transportation asked if the City would like a portion of the street along Cenex deeded to them in order to square off the section in place.

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The Economic Development Association of North Dakota awarded the innovator of the year award to Great River Energy senior engineer Charlie Bullinger Dec. 7 in Bismarck.

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December 16, 2010

Oil country

McLean County may not be a big player yet in the oil industry, but a small portion of extreme northwest McLean County is picking up steam as activity expands south from bustling Mountrail County, where activity is abundant.

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Talk of the coming changes with the oil growth in the northwest corner of McLean County is enough to make most community and economic developers in the area quake in their boots—some with excitement and some with fear.

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