August 11, 2021

Roughriders in Max

Flailing like rag dolls atop mighty steeds with names like Doc Holliday and Mission Impossible, bareback riders orchestrated an eight-second choreography.
Or some tried before being bucked off before the eight second buzzer. This was the goal for many who participated in the Max Rodeo this past weekend: to stay on a bull for
eight seconds, to rope that calf or to circumnavigate barrels on horses. The Max Rodeo Association hosted the rodeo, the second-tolast leg in the Roughrider Rodeo Association’s rodeos for the year. Many riders came from different parts of North Dakota, including our own backyard. Placing first in Jr. Tie Down Roping category was Trevor Sorge
of Garrison, who scored 10.8 and received a permit. In the ladies barrel race, Sadie Dale of Ryder took seventh place, with a score of 18.889 and 100 points.

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