Central McLean News-Journal - News

As the water releases increase downstream of the Garrison Dam folks in the Washburn and Hensler area are watching the Missouri River water surge on by with great force.

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As school board member Mike Heger described, it took a lot of hammering out to reach a decision, but the board unanimously agreed that the school district would benefit from a $2,040,917 project during the last regular school board meeting held Thursday.

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Consider there is an airborne threat spreading across the country.

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About 30 die-hard Underwood residents arose early on Saturday morning to temps in the upper 30s and a slight drizzle.

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The Underwood City Commissioners agreed to go ahead with the construction of sidewalks in town with the help of a $196,000 grant following what was one of the largest turnouts for a community meeting in recent history.

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It’s not a done deal; the Coleharbor Post Office is not on the list of rural post offices that are getting the axe.

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Underwood has been awarded a grant for $196,000 to add and improve sidewalks around town leading to the school.

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About 20 contractors assembled in the very garage that will soon be removed to make room for the new McLean County Courthouse last Thursday.

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Coal may not have much worth in small amounts but get a whole coal bin full and you’ve got something of true worth.

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With the school year drawing down and the general fund balance in good shape, the Underwood School looks to make some new purchases to replace old equipment.

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