November 15, 2017

A wider avenue

Council looks at expanding thoroughfare
For years, it has been coffee table conversation that Trooper Avenue could stand to be wider. Now, the Garrison City Council is trying to do something about it.
At the most recent meeting, council members approved a letter to be sent to the Dakota Missouri Valley and Western Railroad Company that it consider allowing the city to widen the street into its easement.
“Along those tracks is all DMVW property,” City Auditor Diane Affeldt said. “We would need their approval to widen the road.”
Discussion began after last month’s meeting when Alderman Paul Schlichting brought to the attention of the board several suggestions from community members.
“They all said the busy street needs to be wider,” Schlichting said.
Along with regular traffic, Trooper Avenue is a truck route for farmers bringing grain to the local elevators.
“Garrison is primarily a small, rural farming community, but it serves as a hub city for agricultural services and/or products,” the letter said. “This primary street (Trooper) needs widening due to increased truck traffic, everything from agricultural semis to delivery trucks stocked with goods for our Main Street businesses.”

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