June 8, 2022

Ambulance to ask for max mills

Ambulance to ask for max mills

Voting on resolution to include Ward County in levy to be held June 28

Should a proposed resolution pass, the Garrison-Max Ambulance District has the potential to receive up to $609,931 in mill levies from
McLean and Ward counties. At the ambulance district’s board meeting on June 1, the board reviewed their annual budget for 2023 and concluded that 15 mills, the maximum an entity can ask for, would be needed to help satisfy their budget. While their estimated receipt
values stayed the same, the district’s projected expenditures grew. The rising costs of commodities led the ambulance district to budget
$80,000 for vehicle gasoline and oil, as opposed to $45,000 from last year. “We don’t know what the trend will be,” Sandra Nelson-Olzweski,
president of the ambulance board, said regarding the rising costs of fuel. She noted during the meeting that insurance companies, such as Blue Cross, do not cover the increased cost of gas that consumers have seen over the past few months. Other big ticket items on their budget were $950,000, which was allocated for salaries, FICA, 401k and health insurance, and $300,000 for capital outlay, new equipment and a loan payment.

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