November 18, 2015

Beyond expectations

Boys exceed limitations through speech, drama



Cole and Tanner Young are not letting their disabilities slow them down.

Tanner, who has autism, and Cole, who had a cleft palate when he was young, causing a speech impediment, were cast members in Garrison High School drama program’s single act play ‘A Rose for Emily’ and participate in speech.

What some may call disabilities are actually strengths for these two.

Speech and drama are both events that requires one to get up in front of, sometimes large, groups of people and recite lines or do a speech, all from memory.

Carl Young, Cole and Tanner’s father, said he insisted the boys participate in speech. However, with Cole and Tanner, it was never an issue.

"At first I didn’t like it." Tanner said, "But over time I have developed a taste for it."

Cole added, "(Speech) is fascinating to me."

To some, getting up in front of a crowd can be terrifying. Not to these young men.

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