February 28, 2018

Bleeding for a cause

Harvest for Hunger takes a new twist
This Tuesday, the community has the opportunity to pick a side and donate blood in the name of their favorite co-op, CHS-Garrison or Farmers Union Oil Company.
From 11 a.m.-3 p.m. the two entities are battling to see who can get more donors at the Garrison City Auditorium.
Also a part of the Harvest for Hunger fun will be a free will soup and sandwich lunch at the same time at the auditorium. Those who have a fear of needles won’t leave hungry as donating blood is not a requirement for the lunch.
Since 2001, CHS Country Operations business units, including Garrison, have raised more than $4.7 million and 3.4 million pounds of food to fight hunger through Harvest for Hunger.
“One of the CHS values is to be good stewards in your community,” Deleene Wilcox, CHS event facilitator, said. “It is a good program because, not only does it benefit the local food pantries, but by participating and doing well, we can get additional funds from CHS to donate to local charities. It is a win win.”

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