October 30, 2013

BLFG meeting agenda includes dinner, laughs



Area residents who are (or will become) members of Better Living for Garrison, can look forward to a fun-filled annual meeting Sunday evening.

Highlights of the 2013 annual meeting include dinner, the business meeting, a silent auction and a bellyful of laughs. The latter will be provided by a special skit performed by BLFG board members. The skit was written by Terry Vandal, a former Garrison High School faculty member/drama coach. Vandal is also a BLFG board member.

Keith Witt, Garrison Area Improvement Association (GAIA) director, was guest speaker during the Garrison Chamber of Commerce’s Governmental Affairs Committee meeting Monday. Without divulging the plot, committee members heard a list of cast members. The title of the skit is "MASH 58540" and the cast will portray favorite characters from the long-running MASH TV series. Those who attend will see Hawkeye Pierce, "Hot Lips" Houlihan, Radar O’Reilly, Maxwell Klinger – and others – at their best.

While the skit is all in fun, the MASH theme is based on a serious health-related need. The emergency service area at Garrison Memorial Hospital has seen a sharp increase in emergency room visits. Plans are to enlarge and modernize the area, a project with a steep price tag.

To assist with the project, BLFG has adopted the hospital’s emergency service area as its pet project for the upcoming year. BLFG membership fees for 2014, along with proceeds from the silent auction, will go towards the hospital ER renovation.

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