August 11, 2011

BLFG to hear 2nd proposal for community foundation

BLFG to hear 2nd proposal for community foundation
A second proposal to affiliate a community foundation in Garrison with a larger non-profit 501(c)3 organization in the state was scheduled to be submitted at a public meeting of Better Living for Garrison, Inc., on Wednesday of this week.
Scheduled to appear before the seven-member BLFG board of directors was Shelly Weppler, executive director of the St. Joseph Community Health Foundation (SJCHF) of Minot. Weppler has appeared before the Garrison Chamber of Commerce two times in recent years to encourage the creation of an endowment-funded community foundation.
At the Wednesday morning meeting, she was expected to outline reasons that a community foundation, if established in Garrison, should affiliate with the organization she heads. SJCHF, she said earlier, would manage the assets of a Garrison community foundation and would provide other assistance.
The Minot organization, with assets of about $13 million, was established by funds from the Sisters of St. Joseph Hospital, based in Denver, after the sisters sold St. Joseph Hospital in Minot. The St. Joseph foundation awards grants annually that are designed to advance the health and welfare of the people living in the former hospital’s service area, including McLean County. Several grants have been awarded to Garrison organizations.

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