October 29, 2015


Camp of the Cross dining hall project moves forward


The Mission Builders are moving at God’s speed with their project at Camp of the Cross southwest of Garrison. Progression of the new dining hall is moving right along.

The building is to be enclosed before the snow flies and estimated completion is before summer camp starts next season.

Project Manager Steve Schenk said he is happy with how the project is going so far.

"Even with the late start (due to weather), we are right on schedule," Schenk goes on to say.

The concrete floors are poured and the building is ready to be enclosed for winter.

Schenk accredits the progress to his hard working crew and the incredible amount of support and volunteer work from local churches.

"(Volunteers) really help things move along," he said. "I’d say about 30 percent of the hours worked here was volunteers."

Most of the volunteers have come from Christ Lutheran Church in Minot.

"They are showing their appreciation for what we did for them during the (2011 Minot) flood," Schenk said. "They are paying it forward."

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