March 19, 2009

City promoted at KX Sports Show

City promoted at KX Sports Show
Last week’s KX Sports Show proved to be a good event to promote Garrison.
According to Hilary Berning, Garrison’s CVB director, “The sport show was wonderful.” When she reported on the show during Monday’s Garrison Chamber of Commerce meeting, Berning said, “KX reported they had been fielding calls asking if ‘Garrison would be there.’”
Several chamber members attended the three-day show this past weekend to promote the community and the recreational opportunities available.
The show was at the State Fair Center, Minot, March 13-15
Berning also announced that 85 registrations have already been received for the 2009 CANDISC bike tour. She said CANDISC representatives have already met with one of the tour’s host communities and that meetings are planned with several others.
Mike Gackle, chairman of the Governmental Affairs Committee, gave a brief report on the legislative luncheon that was held at the Stoney End on March 7. Legislators in attendance were Dist. 4 Republicans John Warner, Kenton Onstad and Tom Conklin.
Scott Foss, BLC manager reminded members that the BLC will be hosting its annual St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Saturday. The event will include a free-will Irish stew meal served from 4:30-7 p.m. at the City Auditorium.

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