December 27, 2012

Class offerings expanding?

Class offerings expanding?
Max School looking at options

Are there any new class offerings that patrons or students would like added to curriculum at Max? School officials are asking input from the community on what, if any, new curriculum should be considered.
Secondary Principal Dave McQueen and board member Galen Scheresky asked school officials to consider hosting a meeting with the public to discuss the matter.
“If its nothing it’s nothing,” said Scheresky. “If it’s one class, it’s one class.”
Following the meeting, board members met with McQueen to review curriculum. Class suggestions are desired, and ideas should be given to board members or emailed to the school.
Enrollment growing
The Max School has seen an upturn in enrollment in recent years.
Superintendent Craig Eraas presented board members with a breakdown of enrollments that showed trends have increased over the past few years. Looking at the numbers, total enrollment in 1999-2000 was 169 students. This year, enrollment stands at 206.
A proposed school-wide energy evaluation by ESG, (Energy Services Group), a firm that would inspect  the school for energy efficiency, safety and indoor environment, then provide an assessment, raised some eyebrows at the board meeting Dec. 19. The tepid response was due, in part, to the potential cost ($4,000).

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