August 8, 2013

Council swims in water issues

Council swims in water issues

Facts and figures were flying at Monday night’s meeting of the Garrison City Council. The information provided by Randy Wall had aldermen’s heads spinning.
Wall, senior project engineer for Moore Engineering, Minot, presented information from a water system study that gauged the adequacy of the current Garrison system. The firm was hired by the city to analyze the community’s water system. The cost for the study was $29,120.
Wall addressed a broad range of water-related issues – none more pressing than adding additional above ground storage. One thing’s for sure, a new tower is needed. But what size, and where should it go?
Wall gave three potential options. The first location is on the vacant lots near St. Nicholas Church. The second is on the vacant lot on Sixth Avenue NE near the Art Alexander home. The third and least desired choice, Wall said, was near the swimming pool. A return loop was also recommended that would connect the water plant with the twin towers and underground storage tanks near the high school.
“You guys need a new water tank,” Wall said. “That’s what you need – bottom line.”
The question is capacity – 300,000 gallons is projected to serve the community and rural customers through 2020.
“Or do you put in a 400,000-gallon tank and be done with it?” he asked the council.
The water treatment plant was also reviewed. The treating capacity is approximately 800,000 gallons per day. Presently, about 550,000 gallons of raw water per day are treated.
The plant was built in 1991-92. It’s showing some age, but it could handle the growth projected to 2020. The potential exists that water could be purchased from Garrison by the North Prairie Water District. Wall said if that comes to pass, the plant would not have enough capacity to provide treated water for communities to the north.
“We’re going to have to take a long hard look at the plant,” Wall said.   
But, he said, it could be a real good revenue source for the city.

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