December 3, 2009

First festival weekend called ‘great’

First festival weekend called ‘great’

In terms of days, it’s three down, four to go.
In terms of weekends, it’s one down, two to go.
In general terms, it was “great … wonderful … awesome.”
Not only did Mother Nature provide three days of unseasonably warm weather, but Dickens Festival goers were treated to a variety of events and entertainment that ranged from home tours to horse-drawn carriage rides to concerts and live theater.
A highlight of the weekend was the Queen Elizabus, the festival’s newly refurbished English double-decker bus.
Another highlight came in the form of entertainment – lots of entertainment. Each afternoon, Dickens guests were invited to the Kota Theater for special concerts. Friday’s draw was Milo Hatzenbuhler, a farmer/music “superstar.” Jill Denning Gackle, acting event chairman, said the performance “was the first year that people came to Garrison to attend a special event and then stayed for the festival.”
Saturday’s special performance was by Courtney Krzmarzick, a talented singer/guitarist from Garrison. Denning Gackle said, “Courtney surprised us with such a professional, well-done performance!” Her comments seem to reflect those of the audience; the 16-year-old singer received a standing ovation.
The Dickenson Carolers, a quartet from Fargo, used a blend of song, skit and humor to entertain an appreciative crowd.
Denning Gackle noted that Angela Kolden, a former member of the Dickens Committee, had booked this year’s special entertainment.

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