
Garrison administration salaries are established

Garrison administration salaries are established
The Garrison administration staff received 5 or 6 percent increases in salaries, when the school board met Tuesday evening.
The superintendent and principals all received about a 5 percent increase. Superintendent Steve Brannan was raised to $80,896, Principal Mark Larson to $59,038 and Principal Shelly Fuller to $50,604.
Business Manager Virginia Beggs received the highest percentage increase of 6 percent to $49,107.
Principals, though, lost five days of vacation. The principals lost five of 10 days in previous salary negotiations and lost the other five this year.
Board Member Steve Seidler reasoned that the principals are not on a full year contract. Larson works 210 days and Fuller 200 days. The board didn't make any changes to the vacation schedule for the superintendent, who is on a 260-day school year.
Principals continue to have 10 sick leave days, three personal days and five emergency leave days available for use.
All administrators receive 100 percent of a family insurance plan paid by the district.
Beggs received the highest increase and the most praise. Board Member Penny Styron said, “Every time, she never lets me down."
Brannan and the board had a chance to get back on a little more level footing after the administrative salary negotiations a week ago.
Board Member Daryl Engel told Brannan Tuesday evening, "I feel the sense of frustration” when issues are brought forward. He assured Brannan, “We do trust you.” He said he wished parents and the public would come to the administration with their concerns instead of the board.
“I feel obligated to bring it forward and I do it not to be negative but to improve things around here,” Engel said.
Board members chimed in that parents may not bring concerns forward because they don't want their children singled out by teachers or administration.
Brannan said, though, that “Sometimes in a public venue it's a little awkward,” referring to the last meeting when Engel brought forward a laundry list of concerns, some a year old.
Seidler said the recent meeting with 30 parents regarding athletic concerns was a step in the right direction. He said it was a positive step to have parents bring their ideas to the administration and athletic directors.
In other business, the board:
• Accepted the resignation of Jim Snustad, music teacher. He is taking a position at Cavalier. Brannan praised his work in the music, band and volleyball coaching areas.
• Approved a 70-cents an hour increase for support staff. Brannan originally requested a 6 percent or 70-cent increase, whichever was greater. Paul Duben, the board member who made the motion, said he favored going with a 70-cent increase instead of a percentage.

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