February 11, 2015

Garrison bond issue fails


Patrons of the Garrison School District have spoken loud and clear – there will be no $5.9 million worth of construction/remodeling at the high school or elementary school.

The results, though unofficial, show a backlash of major proportions. The vote was 63 percent opposed compared to 37 percent in support of the bond issue.

The numbers nearly mirror the margin of defeat in the initial $9 million bond vote Nov. 13, 2012. In that vote, the percent opposed was 65 percent.

Unofficial results from this past Thursday’s bond election show 308 voters in favor of the bond issue, while 515 were opposed.

The most recent vote, done in conjunction with the General Election in November, saw the issue fail to secure the 60 percent required by a mere 7 votes (59.1 percent. That result gave school officials hope that bringing it before the patrons once more would be enough to reach the 60 percent requirement. That was not the case. It was the total opposite.

Garrison Superintendent Steve Brannan said he was surprised at the 180-degree about face.

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