October 16, 2019

Gas additive trace found in city water

Gas additive trace found in city water
Officials say more testing is required
After analyzing tests that were collected from the Garrison water system this summer, representatives from the Department of Health had this message for city council members and concerned residents: there is something unusual in the water, but they’re not sure exactly what, and it does not pose an obvious immediate threat.
Greg Wavra, North Dakota’s drinking water program manager, and Leon Vetter, an environmental scientist with the Department of Environmental Security, presented their findings at a public meeting Monday. The tests were run after a few Garrison residents complained of the smell of gasoline in their tap water.
According to Wavra and Vetter, a gasoline chromotograph and diesel chromotograph were taken of the water. Through these tests, certain spikes were noted that showed there were trace elements of some chemicals known to be gasoline additives in the water.
“I’m not saying that it’s not a concern because any time you have something in water, you want to know where it’s coming from and why it’s there,” Wavra said. “At this point I don’t think we can give you those answers because of what we’re looking for here.”
They conducted tests of raw water coming into the wat

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