April 30, 2014

Good things coming to White Shield



Over the past few years, there have been tangible signs that good things are coming to White Shield. Groundbreaking for the Awa’Hu Village housing project took place May of 2010. The housing development contains 40 residential lots.

After years in the planning stage, The Arikara Cultural Center became a reality. Its grand opening was October 2013. This past February, a fitness/recreation center opened in the Ralph Wells Memorial Complex

During a meeting of the Three Affiliated Tribes’ East Segment this past Wednesday, community members heard plenty of other improvements are in the works.

Plans were revealed for major upgrades to the city’s educational facilities. Included are a new $1.3 million Head Start center and a $12 million school for students K-grade 12. (See separate story).

Also in the works is a $6 million community center – complete with an eight-lane swimming pool and a gymnasium. The proposed location for the community center is north of The Arikara Cultural Cen

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