June 28, 2012

Growing enrollment seen at Garrison

Growing enrollment seen at Garrison

The future looks bright for the Garrison School District.
At last week’s state-mandated public input meeting, school officials provided a snapshot of what the prospect is for the district. One of the high points is that it’s projected that school enrollment will continue to rise.
Based on current enrollment and the most recent census, over the next 20 years, the school should see an additional 56 students. The current enrollment is 396.
The elementary school is at 103 percent of capacity, or 230 students. The current enrollment is 236. The high school campus is at 80 percent capacity, or 200 students. The current enrollment at the high school is 160. Enrollment is expected to increase this fall. Twenty additional students are expected. With more students, additional staff is also anticipated.
Superintendent Steve Brannan said the school district would be proactive in dealing with growing enrollments. With tight class sizes and limited classroom space, school officials voted earlier this year to close open enrollment. The current number of students open enrolled is 10.

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