September 12, 2013

Help wanted, bus drivers

Help wanted, bus drivers


“Dire.” That’s how Superintendent Steve Brannan describes the situation at Garrison School when it comes to having enough bus drivers to cover all routes and activities.
Ads have become commonplace for area schools looking for bus drivers. At Garrison, school officials are seeking someone to transport students from the high school to the Bob Callies Elementary School for lunch. The district also has a route position available. And the only thing keeping things from going totally out of control is the generosity of a driver who retired at the end of last year who offered to continue driving until a replacement can be found. 
To meet the challenge, a veteran driver of more than 40 years, Jim Crawford, is busing students to their noon meal. Rick Wadholm is continuing to drive his route, but would like to retire. Activity bus drivers and substitute drivers are also needed at Garrison.
Prayers were answered this past week at Max when two individuals were hired as bus drivers for the district.

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