November 6, 2013

Hospital project endorsed

Effort to be BLFG signature event


It was the late 1940s. Seeing a need to provide healthcare services to a growing Garrison community, area citizens joined forces to make that dream become a reality.

Now, the Garrison Memorial Hospital is facing a new challenge – to provide the ultimate in emergency room service. But in order to see that new vision become possible, it needs community and area support once again.

This past Sunday night, that need received a big shot in the arm. Better Living for Garrison officials announced at their annual meeting that the hospital project would be its signature event for the coming year.

Announcing the effort, President Steve Brannan said BLFG is excited about the endeavor.

"We are so proud to endorse this project," Brannan said.

The goal is hefty – raising $155,000 for the project expected to cost approximately a half a million dollars. Brannan thinks the goal can be reached.

"This is an opportunity to make a gift to the Garrison community which will last forever and will benefit many future projects for the betterment of the community and its residents," he told the more than 110 people who attended the meeting.

The drive received a good start as more than $7,700 was raised from a silent auction and memberships at the annual meeting.

In sharing the vision, the hospital’s administrator, Tod Graeber, gave a history of the facility, saying it was one of the greatest projects undertaken in the community’s history. Graeber also talked about the development of the health care industry in the Garrison area.

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