September 22, 2021

Learning in Louisiana

Learning in Louisiana

Garrison First Responder helps in hurricane aid effort


Somewhere in a parish in south-central Louisiana earlier this month, Amanda Melby was running 911 calls while dealing with no electricity, downed trees and a little something called the aftermath of Hurricane Ida.
Having been an EMS for 20 years, Melby, who is co-manager of the Garrison-Max Ambulance, knew a lot of people. This includes a number of First Responders who run deployments to offer healthcare aid to places in need. 
“I just decided it was time for me to start doing stuff like this,” Melby said. 
Through a company that contracts First Responders, Melby was able to do just that. 
Her sojourn to Louisiana, her fourth such aid trip over the past year, was a 12 day learning experience. 
It began Aug. 28, when she arrived in Louisiana, ready to help any way she could. 
She arrived early. The hurricane wasn’t there yet, but it was close. 
Aid workers are sent before the hurricane hits, Melby noted. “That way, we are readily available to help right away after it’s safe to go outside.”

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