December 4, 2013

McLean rejoins coal counties


McLean County is back on board with the Coal Conversion Counties. At their meeting Tuesday, county commissioners agreed to rejoin the group.
The county opted out of the CCC in 2011 citing concerns that the group was violating open meetings laws and wasting money, including making repeated trips to Washington, D.C. to lobby for the coal industry.
“If they have taken care of that, I would be in favor of it,” said commissioner Pam Link.
Commission chair Steve Lee reasoned; “We budgeted for it … at this point, maybe we can have input, and monitor it to see that things are done.”
The membership fee is $750. Barry Suydam will be the county’s representative. Members of the Coal Conversion Counties are Mercer, Oliver and McLean.
A handful of road matters were on the commissioner’s agenda. With road conditions treacherous, snow blowing outside and more forecast, Ron Wagner, county highway superintendent, said it could make for a long winter.
With a wetter than normal fall, Wagner said that no gravel crushing was completed. The amount budgeted would carry over until next year.

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