July 31, 2019

Mountain Lion spotted

A Mountain Lion was spotted south of Garrison near Fort Stevenson State Park recently. Mountain Lions have been known to attack and maul their victims in other states, so area residents need to exercise caution when outdoors.
Marty and Alisa Deahl saw the animal near their property south of Garrison.
“Both of us saw it,” Alisa said. “I went and got the binoculars and then it was even more obvious. It walked out of the trees in the yard two lots over from ours. It came out and went down by the trees and then onto the (U.S. Army) Corps. land. Before all of this was developed down here, we used to see them now and then, but that was a long time ago.”
Stephanie Tucker, a biologist with the North Dakota Game and Fish department said they won’t notify the public or the state park of any sighting unless there is a confirmed sighting; however, she didn’t explain what constituted a confirmed sighting.

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