May 31, 2017

Overcoming the unthinkable

Young stroke victim shows dedication and strength
Melanie and Scott Hillestad watched their 11-year-old son, Gage, go through what no child should.
On January 29, Gage suffered a stroke. This was a puzzling diagnosis, as it is rare for someone so young. The stroke was caused by rare conditions called Central Nervous System Vasculitis and Serpin Blood Disorder.
“It was a Sunday, it was a nice day and they (Gage and his younger sister, Brielle) were going out to play. Not even three minutes later he came in and said he had a headache,” Melanie described the day. “He started to cry and I told him to grab some ibruprophin. Then I notice him start to slouch and slur.”
It was then Melanie put Gage in the car and headed to the hospital.
“Not even a mile away he was in and out of consciousness,” she said. “So I’m trying to shake him and drive and call 911 at that point. We were flying, we met the ambulance on the highway.”

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