October 17, 2018

Park board awarded tree grant

Forestry service studies Garrison
By Amy Venn
A community threat assessment of Garrison’s trees was done recently and park board discussed the results and the subsequent grant received called North Dakota Forestry Service America the Beautiful Tree Planting for new boulevard and park trees. Park board member  Amber Klingbeil brought the information to the board after a meeting with the Joel Nichols, community forestry specialist with North Dakota Forest Service.
“It was so informative. One  of the things I took away is trying to help the development of our trees,” Klingbeil said.
The City of Garrison and the park board are both grant recipients, receiving 40 and 20 trees respectively. The grant was originally written by Bruce Schreiner on behalf of Garrison Chamber of Commerce, who has since passed the grant on to the city and the park board.

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