November 6, 2019

Penalties soon for parking in snow route

Residents will soon be penalized for parking overnight in a storm on Garrison’s emergency snow removal route, which provides emergency access to the CHI St. Alexius Heath and the Benedictine Living Center.
The city council discussed the new snow removal policy in its first reading at their Monday night meeting. Though the route currently exists, there is no penalty for parking overnight.
At the first reading, the new policy had a first, second and third offense outlined. The first offense would bring a warning ticket, the second offense, a $25 fine and the third offense, a $50 fine.
When asked for input, City Attorney Jim Wilson said he thought the fines were not harsh enough and he did not think there should be a warning ticket.
“$25 – is that really a big incentive to move your vehicle if it’s snowing really heavy and plows are coming by?” he said. “Every place I’ve lived there seemed to be a ticket it and tow it policy and that seemed to do a pretty good job of keeping vehicles off the street.”
Alderwoman Maria Olson suggested making the first offense a slightly larger fine and towing it on the second offense. Alderman Marcus Matthews suggested a $100 fine for the first offense.
The policy would be in effect between Oct. 1 and April 15, or when the the city declared an emergency. It would apply in a snow event of two inches or more.
Alderman David Reinarts questioned whether two inches was substantial enough to put the policy in place, to which City Supervisor Al Beyreis said they typically don’t start plowing until accumulation hits three inches.
After some discussion about how wind in the region can cause larger drifts, two inches was agreed to be reasonable.

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