March 21, 2018

Popping in to make new friends

For around three years, Jerry Zimmerman has been spreading smiles with homemade popcorn.
So far, he’s given away more than 2,400 grocery bags, full.
“I like to see people smile and I definitely like to repay people who have shown me kindness,” he said. “I just like to see them smile and happy.”
Zimmerman said the idea came when he was thinking of ways to give back to people who have been kind to him.
“When someone does you a favor, there is no way they will take money or anything like that,” he said. “So I started making this stuff with one of those Stir Crazy poppers.”
Zimmerman said after burning three Stir Crazys out from continues use, he finally stumbled upon a more commercial popper.
Now, when Zimmerman meats new people he asks, “Any chance you like popcorn?”
“My favorite part about doing this is I like the smiles,” he said. “It makes me happy.”

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