October 29, 2014

Property sale to be Nov. 18



Five parcels of real estate are scheduled to hit the auction block next month.

During last week’s McLean County Commission meeting, Auditor Les Korgel reported the real estate has been forfeited to the county for delinquent taxes.

Unless redeemed prior to the Nov. 18 sale, each parcel will be sold to the highest bidder. Minimum bids have been set for each. The sale is scheduled for 10 a.m. in the courthouse’s county commission chambers. Included are a quarter of land, approximately 100 acres of land and three city lots – one in Butte and two in Underwood.

Korgel said an application for a wind farm is in the works and will likely be brought before the commission next month. The company involved is Creative Energy Solutions, LLC, Estherville, Iowa. Korgel described the area of interest as "west and a little north of Garrison."

With a continued shortage of jailer/dispatcher personnel, Sheriff Don Charging asked permission to re-hire an employee who recently resigned due to family issues. Commissioners agreed, with the understanding that a regular probationary period would be in affect. Charging noted that other vacancies remain in the law enforcement department.

States Attorney Ladd Erickson asked commissioners for up to 50 hours of comp time so office personnel can bring fingerprinting files up to date. The request was approved.

In other business, commissioners:

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