August 25, 2011

Sakakawea RV expanding

Sakakawea RV expanding
It’s no secret that the housing situation in the area is tight. Due to limited housing options, Sakakawea RV Park, just south of Garrison, is in the midst of an expansion project. Owners Jeff and Betsy Gerhart are doubling the number of RV lots from 38 to 76.
Referring to the expansion as “phase two,” Jeff said he had ideas to expand the park when it opened mid-May, 2010. “I didn’t expect it to happen this fast,” he said.
Early this week, Nygard Construction was on site to install water and sewer lines for phase two. Electrical power and phone/Internet service are also being installed for the new lots. Other amenities, including area lighting and security cameras, will also be included. Seeming pleased at the progress, Gerhart noted that 10 of the new RV lots will be ready for occupancy by the end of the week.

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