June 5, 2019

Saluting the scouts

Saluting the scouts

Scouts, and veterans, honored
Members of Young Hawk-Bear Legion Post 253 in White Shield went between cemeteries on the reservation May 30 to honor the men and women who fought for both American, and tribal, freedom. Post 253’s last stop of the day was the Old Scout Cemetery a few miles west of White Shield.
The singing and beat of the drum echoed throughout the cemetery as the color guard and firing squad led the way into position.
“This is our way of honoring our members,” Gerilyn Yellowbird said. “For those who have served, and for those who have served and given the ultimate sacrifice.”
Legion Post No. 253 honors their fallen a little different than the other American Legion Posts on, and off, of the reservation.
“Young Hawk-Bear Post is the oldest post on Fort Berthold reservation, and we do things a little different from what the other posts in the area do,” Austin Gillette, former U.S. Marine and Post 253 member for over 40 years, said.
Gillette explained how Memorial Day used to always be on May 30, that is until Congress changed it around 1970.
“Memorial Day was changed to be observed on the last Monday of May to make a convenient three-day weekend for people,” Gillette said. “Post 253 didn’t go along with that, so that’s why we are here today instead of Monday. We never changed. We have always honored our veterans on the original May 30 Memorial Day date, and will continue to do so.”

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