July 29, 2010

Storm pummels Garrison area

Storm pummels Garrison area


The arduous task of picking up after another storm has begun.
The immediate Garrison area was the bulls eye as Mother Nature put on its best tree pruning and crop ruining display Monday evening.
As day dawned Tuesday morning, the true amount of damage the area received was revealed. Numerous trees were stripped of branches, while a handful of others were uprooted or ripped to the ground. Extensive damage was suffered at the construction site of the new North Country Marine and Motorsports building east of Garrison along Highway 37.
A billboard near Kukla’s Car Wash that had been a fixture in the community for many years was no match for the gale-force winds. The wind was such that a cross arm at a railroad crossing in Garrison was twisted off. A crossing light at the site was also downed by the storm.

The Weather Network