September 22, 2021

Taxable sales up in Garrison

State, Garrison see increase, county and Washburn see decrease


North Dakota’s taxable sales and purchases for the second quarter of 2021 are up 21.2 percent compared to the same time in 2020. 
According to data recently released from the North Dakota Tax Commissioner’s office, taxable sales and purchases for April, May and June of 2021 totaled $5.28 billion. Of that, about $6.8 million came from the city of Garrison. The data shows this was an increase from the near $5.85 million from the same period in 2020. 
Taxable sales are defined by the commissioner’s office as gross sales minus nontaxable sales, while taxable purchases are taxable goods purchased by businesses for their own use on which they did not pay sales tax to suppliers. Taxable purchases also include purchases of goods that are installed into real property by contractors who did not pay sales tax to suppliers. 

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