June 7, 2017

Teetering on the edge of drought

Dry conditions causing concern
Knee high corn by the Fourth of July. In most years, corn surpasses knee high by the Fourth. This year, it’s looking like a pipe dream.
Unseasonably hot weather and only sniffs of rain over the past 6-8 weeks aren’t enough to sustain top soil moisture as crops become parched and showing signs of stress.
Shane Crawford, agronomist with CHS-Garrison, has been assessing area fields. He said as far as the crops go around the area the early wheat is probably being affected more than other crops.
He said it’s because it’s at the five- or six-leaf stage, which means it’s already setting heads and the stress will affect head size and number of spiklets.
He holds out hope for the row crops.
“The corn and soybeans, if a decent stand is established and they can hold on until we do get a rain still have decent potential,” he said.
Crawford said in touring the area, checking fields, he’s observed decent canola stands in the country. He said when canola is stressed it will start to bolt earlier than usual.
“And even though the crop will be short, if it can catch a rain before flowering will still have good yield potential,” he said.

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