January 14, 2010

The tale of Dickens past

The tale of Dickens past

It’s only been a month since the close of the 2009 Dickens Village Festival in Garrison. With the 2010 Dickens Festival more than 10 months away, committee members have time to relax, to revel in the success of the 14th annual event.
Monday evening, during the committee’s first meeting of 2010, it was business as usual. After enjoying an hor d’oeuvre buffet at the Garrison Golf Club, it was time to reflect on the event that concluded Dec. 12.
One by one, as committee members spoke of the 2009 festival, they painted a picture of an event that had gone well. They weren’t resting on their laurels, however. As part of the review, they offered suggestions that might be implemented to improve future events.
Even though the festival will likely be tweaked a bit, one major aspect of the festival remains unchanged – the make-up of the committee. A unanimous ballot was cast to retain the officers: Paul Schlichting, chairman; Norm Thoreson, vice-chairman; Sandy Giffey, secretary, and Cora Wolken, treasurer.
And, with other members remaining on board, only one position remains to be filled. The group needs someone to serve as entertainment chairperson. Committee members encourage anyone who is interested in filling the position to contact a Dickens Committee member to express their interest.
Among those who attended were several women that are involved with the festival’s English High Tea at the First Congregational Church, UCC. Acting as a spokesperson, Joanne Heinzen announced one change to the 2010 festival – the high tea will not be offered on Sunday (the first Sunday after Thanksgiving). Among reasons given was that attendance on Sundays has always been light. Heinzen described the 2009 festival as “a wonderful year, a really good run.” Of the tea, she said, “We make a lot of people happy … the opportunity has been really good.”

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