August 26, 2015

To the rescue

Neighbors, friends lend a hand with harvest


When Tom Bjornholt suffered a leg injury in a freak accident in June, he feared the worst, not wanting to admit that it would prevent him from accomplishing what every farmer lives for – bringing in the harvest.

Never fear, friends and neighbors are here.

This past week, a crew with Farm Rescue converged on the Bjornholt farm. The neighborhood – and then some – joined in. It was beyond Bjornholt’s wildest dream.

"The response from the businesses, friends, family, neighbors – it’s unbelievable," he said. "Everybody. Our entire community."

Texas native, Dan Murphy, Farm Rescue project coordinator, said things went well, and the workers … indescribable.

"The people have just been – and this is very typical – just outstanding," he said. "We are so well received, and the hospitality of everybody – it’s just wonderful," he said.

Murphy was overwhelmed at the outpouring of support from Bjornholt’s friends and neighbors. He couldn’t say enough about what he witnessed.

"All the people, it’s just been wonderful," he said. "I’m even grateful."

Talk about the meals? Murphy said it’s been a smorgasbord.

"We’ve had more food out here than you can shake a stick at," he said with a chuckle. "I think we’re gaining weight."

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