July 9, 2014

Too much boom?



Last year, Garrison city officials established guidelines for discharging fireworks. Dates and times are: June 27- July 3 – 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.; July 4 -- 9 a.m. to 1 a.m.; July 5 – 9 a.m. to midnight. Apparently few got the memo.

Brad Lagge and Lois Mautz, residents in northeast Garrison, were at Monday’s city council meeting to plead their case, asking the council to reconsider its rules. The two shared that ordinances being sold are becoming larger and louder, and fireworks are being set off at all hours of the night. "It’s out of hand," Lagge said. "They have abused the privilege."

As they shared their thoughts, others at the meeting nodded in agreement. Mayor Shannon Jeffers said he received a number of calls from people upset that residents were disobeying the law.

Mautz, who also represented Garrison Memorial Hospital, told council members the noise was such that many residents were unable to sleep. "Something has to be done," she said.

Municipal Judge Bruce Klabunde helped write the present ordinance. He also agrees things have gotten out of hand. "I like fireworks, but everybody has to abuse everything," he said. "People have to respect other people."

McLean County Deputy Justin Cote attended the meeting. He said abuse is rampant. And if someone is stopped, as soon as the officer leaves the individuals are going at it again.

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