June 5, 2019

Varying rates topic at rural water meeting

The rural water rate structure came under fire at the Garrison district’s annual meeting Saturday.
Currently the district has monthly four tiered base rate structure:  $43,15, $53.15 and $60. The fourth tier is a bulk rate for commercial or ag producer use.
Dennis Pederson, a former board member, suggested that the board go to a two-tiered system: residential and commercial. He told the group that while on the board he worked for six years trying to get the rates adjusted to be equal.
“I don’t think it’s fair that a new member has to walk in paying a $60 base fee,” he said. “I think as members we should all pay the same. If it’s necessary to raise that base as the district grows, then so be it. The three tiered system, I don’t care for it.”
Diane Stockdill, board member, explained that there were six classes at one time and those have been reduced to four. She said additional changes could be made in the future.

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