June 20, 2018

Vote Tuesday on school building project

Cheryl McCullough had one concern on her mind when she attended the final informational meeting last week about the upcoming school bond election: security.
She and about a dozen other patrons took another look at building plans and financing, but for McCullough her vote will be based on the safety of her two grandchildren.
“In this day and age, it doesn’t matter how nice the facility is. You have to make sure it’s secure.”
School shootings elevated McCullough’s awareness of security.
“I think it’s extremely important. People always say we never thought it would happen to us … it would be foolish to think it couldn’t happen here,” she said.
McCullough learned in conversation with administrators and engineers at the meeting that security safeguards are part of the design, including camera surveillance, lock down ability and less public entrances.

The Weather Network