March 30, 2016

Warrant issued for thief


A warrant for the arrest of the man alleged to have taken money from a till at Fezziwig’s in Garrison March 15 and who attempted to do the same at Flowers ‘N Things has been issued.

The McLean County States Attorney’s office issued a warrant for the arrest of Andrew M. Ross.

In the complaint against Ross, both counts, theft of property (Ross stole the cash register key at Flowers ‘N Things) are Class B misdemeanors.

The reason for the warrant is that Ross violated conditions of his probation from previous offenses.

Nov. 7, 2012, in South Central District Court, Ross pled guilty to one count of burglary and theft of property, both class C felonies, and one count of criminal mischief, a Class A misdemeanor.

According to court papers, the offenses pertain to an incident Jan. 21, where Ross broke into Escape to Eden in Garrison, taking a cash tray from a desk drawer. A firearm was also taken.

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