August 22, 2013

Water tower study approved

Water tower study approved

A piece of the Garrison water system pie has been cut and served to Moore Engineering.
Garrison City Council members, during a special meeting this past Thursday, took the first steps to add additional water storage,  hiring the firm to do the preliminary engineering for a water tower project.
Moore engineers will return in October with a preliminary report detailing the scope of what will be done, its cost and potential financing mechanisms.
Establishing a location is first priority. At the August regular meeting, three locations were proposed – the lot adjacent to St. Nicholas Catholic Church, northwest Garrison (Sixth Avenue NE near Quinco), and near the swimming pool.
Council members nixed the first two, and Moore officials said they were open to other sites.
Size is another matter. While a 300,000-gallon tank is being considered, Moore officials noted the potential for growth, recommending a 400,000-gallon tower.
At present, 90,000 gallons is stored in the Hot and Cold towers. About 30,000 gallons is in reserve, or two hours worth of water. Fire water storage is 60,000 gallons.
Storage is just one of the city’s needs. Moore representative Roger Fenstad said there are more than 22,000 feet of cast iron water mains in the city that he recommended be replaced because of age. “It needs to be done,” he said. “Cast iron will cause you problems.”
Throwing out the laundry list of things city officials need to consider, he reminded all projects couldn’t be done at once. Fenstad said there are different avenues to find funding for many of the projects.
“In your case you need to look at a report that will give you cost estimates, phases and types of funding to go along with your needs,” he said. “What is your road map for down the road?”
A secondary loop line is also suggested, which would improve pressure in northeast Garrison. Moore’s Brock Storsten urged the city to prioritize is needs.
Holding back on making a commitment, Mayor Shannon Jeffers prodded the council to take action. “We know we have those issues and we just can’t get engaged to get those fixed,” he said.  “If we don’t keep momentum flowing it will flitter away and another council will have to deal with the problem.” City officials were reminded that if the ball began rolling now, it would be at least a year and a half before the first scoop of soil is turned. Storsten also said if a commitment was made, the city would put itself in line for funding avenues sooner rather than later. Taking his cue, the council said the number one need is storage.
“The water tower -- that’s something we need to do,” said Alderman Steve Hasenwinkel.
Moore Engineering was hired at an hourly rate not exceed $20,000.


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