Central McLean News-Journal - News

2018 – The year in review

Readers of the Underwood News and the McLean County Journal got a surprise when 2018 rolled around as they discovered the two newspapers had combined into one, now called the Central McLean News-Journal.

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Despite prices for soybeans declining, returns are expected to be up in 2019, according to the North Dakota State University Extension.

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Liu new Comettes coach
December 27, 2018

Liu new Comettes coach

The Underwood Comettes are undergoing a proverbial “rebuilding year” as they move into 2019’s dance and competition season, with new dancers and a new coach.

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December 27, 2018

More Co-op no go for now

Discussion over the suggestion to expand the existing sports to include all sports in the three schools: Underwood, Turtle Lake and McClusky, filled the largest portion of this item on the December 17 school board agenda.

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First on minister’s to-do list – Sunday School

There’s nothing like coming to minister at two new churches right before Christmas.

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A lot of families do family gift exchanges – typically when families get so large, there are too many people for everybody to buy gifts for – so they downsize a bit.

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Horns Up for Haiti
December 12, 2018

Horns Up for Haiti

With the season of giving upon us, Underwood High School alum Anne Hefta recently gave the best thing she could give to the people of Haiti.

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With Turtle Lake’s Chamber of Progress Christmas activities punctuated by a raucous, festive Santa Store opening last Monday, members of the chamber were already thinking about next year’s festivities and how to improve things. That is – if they need improving.

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Here comes Santa Claus
December 5, 2018

Here comes Santa Claus

The transformation is complete.

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Fewer hungry children – that’s the goal of the Community Cupboard of Underwood’s new backpack program.

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